The Men Behind the juice
Brendan Papineau and Bradley Ritcey have been friends since childhood. Growing up in the same neighbourhood and having the same circle of friends they were always trying different jobs and opportunities to make a living, eventually settling on journeyman painter and journeyman millwright jobs respectively.
Both were plagued by the crippling addiction that is smoking cigarettes for about 16 years. All the methods were tried; patches, gums, pills, sprays, pistachios, will power, you name it. The power of smoking proved to be too great until the two found out about vaping, and after a few attempts were successful in finally leaving cigarettes in the past.
After a little while, Brendan had shown interest in making e-liquid to a local manufacturer where he regularly purchased ejuice. With a little guidance and a small internet order, Brendan set up to save a few dollars to make his own e-liquid. Showing Brad how they could save a bit of money eventually turned into an idea where they could actually sell these custom mixes. As Brad constantly watched the numbers, it became very apparent that the company was about to grow faster than anticipated and that’s when the decision to move from personal manufacturing to co pack at Tdawwg Labs Inc was made.
Over 1 year the company gained a lot of customers and fans. The second release from Alchemist Labs was Beaver Sauce - and it took western Canada by storm. The boys have shown no signs of slowing down since, have continued to release top quality custom ejuice flavours, and have helped other up and coming juice makers along their path.